Hi! I'm...

As you can see from my snazzy logo, I’m an actor, a life coach, and a practitioner of mindfulness and neuro-linguistic programming. 

I’m guessing you’re here because you saw something I shared online and it resonated with you. Maybe it was a YouTube video or a social media post. You decided you wanted to know more about me and now you’re here. 

Welcome to my world!

I call myself and my coaching business "The Aligned Actor" because I am an actor, I love alliteration, and I go through life staying aligned with whatever I want to experience and taking action to bring that experience into my life.

~ To be ‘aligned’ means to intentionally focus on something. ~

~ An ‘actor’ is a person who takes action. ~

~ 'An Aligned Actor' is a person who intentionally focuses on what they want and takes action to get it. ~

I can help you become an 'aligned actor' within your own life.

Blending my actor and life coach knowledge, I will help you explore and create new, expanded versions of yourself that will naturally take the kind of actions necessary to create a life you love.

Additionally, my background as an actor makes me an intuitive, open-hearted coach. Acting and coaching are both about immersing yourself fully in the present moment - listening, responding, exploring, sharing, and creating with total empathy and vulnerability. 

I will see you, accept you, and honor you exactly where you are and help you find your way to wherever you want to be in life. We will connect, align, create, and joyfully celebrate every step of your journey.

Please scroll around and use the links above to find out more about me and my work. If you have any questions, please reach out via my contact form.
